5 Latest news 5 Angela Akinyemi

Angela Akinyemi

Angela Akinyemi

Angela was a much-valued member of the LJAG team. She worked tirelessly for us leading our events team and many of you will know her for her brilliant organisation of the Big Lunch in 2012 and 2013 outside the Hero of Switzerland pub on Loughborough Road. She was also working on a number of projects with local young people and had just started with Lois Acton a very successful and innovative youth mentoring project with young people from the Loughborough Estate.

Most of you will now know that tragically Angela died in childbirth two weeks ago. Her newborn daughter, Nevaeh Eden, and her first born, Daniel, survive her. LJAG has opened a fund to help support her family at this very difficult time. If you would like to contribute you can send a donation to our treasurer at 23b Flaxman Road, London SE5 9DL. Cheques should be made payable to “Loughborough Junction Action Group”. Please write clearly on the envelope “Angela Akinyemi Fund”.

The funeral will take place on Thursday 3 October at 11.30am, St Andrew’s Church Landor Road SW9 9HE then at 2.30pm Streatham Crematorium, Rowan Road, Streatham Vale SW16 5JU. Please wear a touch of orange. There will also be an event after the funeral at the Marcus Lipton Centre, Minet Road from 4.30-11pm.


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