5 Latest news 5 Lambeth Mind Telephone Befriending Service is recruiting volunteers

Lambeth Mind Telephone Befriending Service is recruiting volunteers



Telephone Befriending


The Telephone Befriending Service is a new project currently being constructed. During 2020 we ran a pilot for 6 months and this was very successful. The timing was particularly important as many people were isolated and lonely as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Now that we are beginning to come out of the many lockdowns, the impact of the last year or more on people’s mental health and general wellbeing is surfacing in many different ways. Frequent calls to our Information Service are from people with anxieties about re-engaging with people and the community. They feeling trapped by this, and as a consequence are experiencing continued isolation and loneliness.

Volunteering with the Telephone Befriending Service:

Currently we are in the process of recruiting suitable volunteers for the Telephone Befriending service. All volunteers will be vetted, trained and supervised. If you are interested in volunteering with this service you can contact Venus Caesar the Manager for the Befriending Service via email at [email protected]  for more information.

Accessing the Befriending Service:

If you are currently struggling with isolation and loneliness and are interested in a weekly half hour telephone informal chat then do contact us for more information at [email protected]

Launch Date:

As we still in the recruitment phase for volunteers it will take some time before we can offer the weekly chats. We will keep you updated through this page or you can contact us on 020 8159 8355 or email [email protected]


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