Goodbye Gladys

We are sad to report the death of Styles Gardens’ stalwart Gladys McKenna, aged 86 (tho locals report she did not look it given her frequent visits to a local hairdressers, also around for a long time).

Gladys (pictured at a family wedding a few years ago) was a Loughborough Estate resident for 53 years so knew lots of people and was very sociable… always stopping to chat and spending ages doing so at the shops where she used to buy gifts for the shopkeepers’ children. She had a wry, ‘absolute marvellous’ sense of humour and her neighbours praised her energy and spirit.

Later in life after husband Patrick passed away, she attended a pensioners’ group and became popular there with her friend. She coped well with the changes she witnessed on the estate . In her day, Marcus Lipton Youth Centre, Hereford Estate and the Grove Adventure Playgroup were bomb sites. Every tenant had to take turns washing down the stairs, there were bike sheds for all and everyone looked after the gardens.

Gladys was always looking out for those more vulnerable. She was patriotic and flew her St George’s flag from her window on St George’s Day.

Gladys is survived by her two children and two grandsons. Her Funeral Mass will take place at Holy Rosary Church, 364 Brixton Road, 12 noon, on Tuesday 8th October.