5 Latest news 5 Winter Solstice Call to Lambeth Artists

Winter Solstice Call to Lambeth Artists

The social Inclusion, Hope and Recovery Project (SHARP) is hosting a group exhibition, the theme of which is “WINTER SOLSTICE”



Exhibition dates: Monday 12th of December 2016 – 30th January 2017

Call to artists:

We are calling artists from Lambeth of visual artworks in various forms: paintings, drawings, mixed media, sculptures, photography, poetry, pastels, pencils, embroidery, craft, ceramics, collages, installation…..

–       Artists are invited to submit a maximum of three pieces of work

–       All artwork to be maximum size of approximately 1metre x 1metre

–       All artwork must be labelled with name, medium, price, ready to be hung and presented with a statement. (we have some frames available to those who need them)

–       This is open to all professional and amateur artists


Handing in days:

. Handing in dates 30th November, 1st and 2nd of December 2016

Address: SHARP Team, 308-312 Brixton Road, SW9 6AA. 

Tel: 020 3228 7050.  OPEN: 9.30AM-4.30PM

If you would like your image considered for use on our promotional material and private view cards then please email us as soon as possible


SHARP is a specialist team of Mental Health Professionals focused on recovery and wellbeing for people who access mental health services in Lambeth. The Salome Gallery is committed to being a platform for the developments of artists, new and experienced. We embrace the concept of inclusion and work to build and support.

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