5 Latest news 5 2 Community Jobs: Tulse Hill and Streatham

2 Community Jobs: Tulse Hill and Streatham



Tulse Hill 

Tulse Hill Forum has been successful in gaining funding for the People’s Health Trust for a project called “Parents Organising Play”. This puts parents and carers in the forefront of organising family activities in the Tulse Hill area.

They are now recruiting for a part time worker (10 hours a week).

The closing date is 23rd January. For more information or to apply please follow this link: http://www.tulsehill.london/

Streatham CommonStreatham Common Community Garden http://streathamcommoncommunitygarden.org/

Streatham Grows Project Officer and Community Gardener (part-time)

Organisation: Streatham Common Community Garden (SCCG).

Employment type: Part-time, 15 hours per week. Self-employed.

Contract length: 50 weeks, of which roughly 8 weeks planning, 40 weeks delivery, and 2 weeks evaluation.

Working schedule: To be agreed between the successful candidate and the SCCG trustees, but to include some weekend working and potentially occasional evenings.

Location: Streatham Common Community Garden and other locations in Streatham.
Fee: £8,750 (£12.50 per hour, 15 hours per week, 50 weeks) plus reasonable out-of-pocket

expenses (to be agreed in advance).

Closing date for applications: 5pm on Friday 20th January 2017 – interviews to be held on Monday 30th January.

Streatham Common Community Garden was established in 2011 to take over the historic walled garden in the Rookery as a place where local people could learn to grow food. It is now run by a charity, led by a voluntary board of trustees, and supported by a number of volunteer gardeners.

The post-holder will run the ‘Streatham Grows’ project to build on the successful learner plot programme which has been developed at Streatham Common Community Garden over the past 2 years. The learner plot programme gives beginner gardeners, aimed particularly at groups, the chance to learn growing skills by managing their own plot of land within the community garden. The post-holder will develop the programme by targeting community groups and individuals who are looking to establish their own growing space in Streatham, in particular working with Lambeth Council’s Street Champions. The post-holder will outreach to expand the diversity of users for the learner plots and support participants in creating their own off-site initiatives, to green our local neighbourhood, and to build connections in our local community.

Main duties

  •   Supporting volunteers and groups in developing learner plots over a single growing season and extending the learnings from their plot to establishing their own community growing space
  •   Responsibility for inducting new volunteers and ensuring appropriate health and safety measures are taken
  •   Working with Lambeth Street Champions and others to identify community groups and individuals who are looking to establish their own growing space in Streatham
  •   Promoting the learner plots and recruiting new learner plot holders for 2017, and creating a simple application process for potential learner plot holders to enable us to choose a diverse range of participants
  •   Increasing the diversity of participants in gardening sessions through outreach, to secure interest from groups not usually represented in the garden, including for example BME and groups with greater support needs, such as those working with older or disabled people
  •   Designing and facilitating a range of workshops on practical gardening to educate and inform the learner plot holders, so that they can effectively develop the plots
  •   Providing bespoke support to local groups and individuals and light-touch support to previous participants of the learner plot scheme in order to support the development of new local food growing spaces (away from the community garden)
  •   Stock management and ordering compost, seeds, seedlings and any other essential equipment required by the plot holders
  •   Delivering, evaluating and reporting against the project outcomes as set out in the funding application.Skills required
  •   Practical understanding and experience of gardening, and growing food
  •   Organised and with a good understanding of general project administration including budgets and project planning
  •   Ability and experience of recruiting and working with volunteers
  •   Communicating effectively and persuasively in plain English, orally and in writing
  •   Familiar with working collaboratively with a range of different people, includingvolunteers, families, those with English as a second language, and people with additional needs
  •   Strong people skills, able to quickly establish good working relationships with a diverse range of people
  •   Understanding of and commitment to diversity, equal opportunities and safe work practices.
  •   A proven self-starter, able to work effectively with minimal supervisionApplication

    In order to apply for this role, please send your current CV and a covering letter. The letter should clearly set out how your knowledge and experience meets the requirements of the job specification. Please also confirm the date you would be able to start, and the contact details (including email address) for two references, one of which should be your most recent employer.

Please send your CV and covering letter to Maggie Charnley by email to [email protected] by 5pm on Friday 20th January. Any questions can be sent to the same email.

Interviews will be held on Monday 30th January 2017.

We would expect the successful candidate to start as soon as possible.




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