5 Latest news 5 Annual General Meeting of Myatt’s Fields Park Project

Annual General Meeting of Myatt’s Fields Park Project

Details here of Myatt’s Fields Park Project – Annual General Meeting and Afternoon tea party 
Sunday 19th March 2017 3pm – 4.30pm
Myatt’s Fields Park bandstand (near the cafe)

Annual General Meeting of
Myatt’s Fields Park Project

Myatt’s Fields Park Project invites you to attend its Annual General Meeting on Sunday 19th March at 3pm by the bandstand. We’ll have a marquee, free afternoon tea and will provide an update about the year that has just passed, as well as plans for the year ahead. Everyone is very welcome to come along.

The group’s Executive Committee will be standing for re-election at this meeting. Current members of the Executive Committee, who are local residents, stand down at every AGM. Some of the executive members will stand for re-election.

If you are 18 years of age or over, are a local resident and/or park user, care about the future of the park, can help us to develop and implement the current plans for the park and can attend four or more meetings a year (usually at 7pm on a weekday), then please do put yourself forward for the Executive Committee.  We particularly hope that people who are actively involved in the project – whether the cafe, greenhouse or events – will come forward. As an Executive Committee member, you will also be a Director of the company no. 111220 and a Trustee of the Myatt’s Fields Park Project registered charity no. 1139256.

If you would like to stand for nomination to the Executive Committee, please send us a short paragraph about yourself, no more than 200 words, (your name, any involvement you have with our projects or the park and what ideas and experience you would like to contribute to the project). This must be submitted by post to The Depot, Myatt’s Fields Park, Cormont Road, London SE5 9RA or by email to e[email protected]  by 12th March 2017. You should have a local resident nominate you, and another to second your nomination.  If you have any queries, please do email us at [email protected].  For information about the Group, go to our website at www.myattsfieldspark.info.

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