5 Latest news 5 New Saturday morning football at Jessop primary school

New Saturday morning football at Jessop primary school

New Saturday morning football at Jessop primary school

Girls-Only sessions 10am to 11am

Mini-kickers (3/4 year olds)  10am to 11am

Play for Fun for boys and girls aged 5-10  will run from 11am – 12pm


Sessions are only £5 each  bookable online for the half-term. Where you can play £25 for 6 weeks.

FRB Coaching are running the sessions, for more information on them their website is www.frbcoaching.co.uk you can find their booking page there or you can go direct to bookings at frb-coaching.class4kids.co.uk For more information please call Finn 07572614269 or email .[email protected]

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