5 Latest news 5 Bridget Bailey at the Art Workers’ Guild during London Craft Week 7 & 8 Oct 2021

Bridget Bailey at the Art Workers’ Guild during London Craft Week 7 & 8 Oct 2021


Exhibition: Meet Bridget and her flora and fauna artworks in person at the Art Workers’ Guild, 7 and 8 October 2021, 11:00 – 18:00.

A Making Safari, Friday 8 October, 11.30 am. Bridget talks about interpreting nature in her work, from the awe-inspiring construction of a blade of grass to how to describe a dead butterfly in the language of textiles. The exhibitions are free but the talks cost £12 and can be booked here

The Art Workers’ Guild; a beautiful building in the heart of Bloomsbury that hosts The Art Workers’ a body of artists, craftspeople and architects working at the highest levels of excellence in their professions. Founded in 1884, its principle of ‘learning by doing’ has spread through arts education worldwide. A respect for craftsmanship and recognition of the value of craftsmanship still characterises the Guild.

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