Vacancies for Saturday Play staff at the Grove Adventure Playground
The Loughborough Junction Action Group (LJAG) is seeking to recruit two sessional play workers to run a Saturday play scheme and a holiday play scheme at the Grove Adventure Playground in Gordon Grove in Loughborough Junction, London SE5 9DT. We are looking to...
Plant Folklore Walk in Ruskin Park
This Sunday at 2pm expert botanist, Roy Vickery from the Natural History Museum and South London Botanical Institute will be leading a free walk around the Ruskin Park talking about plant folklore, identifying common weeds and discussing their valuable uses –...
Gardening Club in Ruskin Park Wednesdays 12-3pm
In addition to the Wednesday morning litter-pick, Ruskin Park is starting a new gardening club, lead by local gardener Marion Palmer. If you can spare a couple of hours to get outdoors and help out it would be greatly appreciated. No experience necessary, just...
Children’s concert this half term