by anthea-admin | Feb 27, 2019 | Latest news, Our events, Workshops
Fuelling creativity, inspiring education and solving problems. Station Hall is an inclusive and safe space, available to all members of the community World Book Day is fast approaching, and here at Station Hall we are going wild for books all week, with...
by anthea-admin | Feb 14, 2019 | Latest news, Our events
LJAG IS CALLING A PUBLIC MEETING TO DISCUSS THE HIGGS INDUSTRIAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT ON HERNE HILL ROAD Wednesday 27 February at 7pm Grove Adventure Playground 18 Gordon Grove London SE5 9DT Housing association Peabody proposes building 134 new homes (of which 38 per...
by anthea-admin | Feb 14, 2019 | Latest news, Things to Do, Uncategorized, Workshops
SEEKING: LAMBETH OLDER MEN FOR DRAMA PROJECT Tony Cealy is seeking Lambeth older men for a 12 week community drama project starting on 5th March 2019. The project will create an interactive drama performance that highlights solutions to stigma and mental health....