5 Latest news 5 Co-living planning application for Hinton Road has arrived

Co-living planning application for Hinton Road has arrived

The planning application (24/00073/FUL) for the controversial co-living development on the site bounded by Hinton Road, Wellfit Street and Hinton Road is now on Lambeth council’s planning portal.  You can access the development by clicking here.

This is a significant development for Loughborough Junction which the developers first consulted on in December 2022.  It is for a mixed use building with industrial space, which is generally welcomed, but with the addition of 320 co-living units, essentially bedsits for rent. LJAG and the LJ Neighbourhood Forum wrote to council leader Claire Holland, last year to spell out our concerns. You can find the letter here. This has now been posted as a letter of opposition on the Lambeth planning portal.

We oppose the development on the following grounds:
–   Loughborough Junction needs affordable family accommodation, not co-living.
–   Co-living residents will be transient and will not contribute to the neighbourhood.
–   Rents are not affordable for local people
–   There is no on-site provision for affordable housing.

There are sound planning grounds for opposing the development:
– It is contrary to what is proposed for this site (site 22) in Lambeth’s Draft Site Allocations Development Plan Document
– Lambeth policy for this type of development – Large Scale Purpose-Build Shared Living (LSPBSL) – is that they should be sited in areas with good transport links, ie PTAL ratings of 6 and above, whereas Loughborough Junction is only 3.

We hope you can join with us in opposing this development.

Please see the minutes of the last LJ Neighbourhood Forum meeting.  The next meeting of the forum is on Wednesday 28 February at 7pm.


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