5 Latest news 5 Covid-19 Heroes – nominate outstanding people for a BLAC award

Covid-19 Heroes – nominate outstanding people for a BLAC award


This is an unprecedented time in our history. The COVID-19 pandemic is having an impact on the health of our loved ones, the businesses we rely upon, the health of the global economy, and the way we live our daily lives. As we all continue to navigate through these unique and evolving challenges, we want you to know The BLAC Awards is here for you.

In light of this dreadful Coronavirus pandemic and with the help of the UK Government’s guidance and advice, we have created four very special categories dedicated to the people and organisations who have been helping us get through these uncertain times, and we welcome you to nominate a special someone or organisation in as many of these four categories as you deem necessary.  In line with the ethos of The BLAC Awards, our focus for nominations is with the African-Caribbean community, however, The BLAC Awards would like to take this opportunity to personally extend our heartfelt thanks, appreciation, respect and love to everyone who is doing what it takes to continue to keep us all safe and well.

How to Nominate:

The nomination is a simple process and you can nominate yourself, a company, an employee, an individual or anyone else in the UK whom you believe to be worthy with the easy to use free online form at the foot of this page which only takes a few moments to complete.  Please carefully read through the categories below in order to select the one which best fits your chosen nominee. You are welcome to make as many different nominations from the four categories as you wish and you can nominate the same person or organisation in as many different categories as you deem necessary.  Nominations will be shortlisted by our experienced judging panel and will not be judged by the number of votes each individual received, but by the content of their contribution, and this is considered a fair way of finding our real unsung heroes.  Shortlisted nominees will be invited to attend the event.

Making a nomination couldn’t be easier! Please include your contact details and details of your nominee(s).

CLOSING DATE FOR NOMINATION:  Midnight Sunday 27 September 2020

FOR FULL DETAILS AND TO NOMINATE: https://blac.org.uk/covid/

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