Mixed media artist based at the Warrior Studios in Loughborough Junction. Her practice has involved working with a variety of materials and objects found at the end of their expected life cycle. Intrigued by their physical and metaphorical connotations, Federica collects these objects and she painstakingly assembles them creating conceptual installation. Through her art work she address issues of identity, belonging, cultural displacement, personal and collective memories as well as the memory of the material itself.
Ecosystemcoldharbour – meeting Wednesday 21 July 6-9pm Longfield Hall
Ecosystem Coldharbour is an important community initiative designed to tackle the issues facing young people in the Coldharbour ward of Lambeth where crime rates are high and our young people face many challenges. Find out more this Wednesday 21 July
6 – 9pm at Longfield Hall, 50 Knatchbull Road, SE5 9QY