5 Latest news 5 Fight the Twin Towers of Loughborough Junction

Fight the Twin Towers of Loughborough Junction

Lambeth planners have turned down this plan to build two monstrous towers, one of 20 storeys the other of 26 storeys, dwarfing everything else in the area. This is the view of the proposed development up Hinton Road from the junction with Coldharbour Lane.

The  final decision now rests with the Mayor of London. He will be deciding on this application on 21 June.

His planners are keen on the plan so there is a real danger the Mayor will give the scheme the go ahead and Loughborough Junction will be scarred for ever. You can read the GLA’s planners opinion here by clicking on the downward pointing arrow on the right-hand side.

What you can do:

Email the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan at [email protected] saying that you oppose this development as it is contrary to Lambeth’s tall buildings policy because of the detrimental effect on local heritage asset, the Loughborough Park conservation area, and the view from protected Ruskin Park.

Email our new GLA representative for Southwark and Lambeth Marina Ahmed at [email protected] asking her to stand by local residents in opposing this scheme pointing out that Lambeth received 568 objections and only 40 supporters.

The Lambeth planning number is 19/04280/FUL and the GLA planning number is 2020/4894/S1.

Best wishes
Loughborough Junction Action Group
07799 621582

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