5 Latest news 5 2017 news 5 Free accredited training course: Understanding Behaviour Change

Free accredited training course: Understanding Behaviour Change

Project Smith
Royal Society of Public Health Level 2 Award in Understanding Behaviour Change Training Course 
21st and 22nd November 2017

What is the course about?   This qualification will enable learners to understand the importance of listening, hearing and observing when establishing appropriate relationships with individuals for the purpose of helping them to develop strategies to undergo behaviour change. It will also help learners engage with individuals, if appropriate, for the purpose of brief advice and brief interventions and to support them in improving their health and wellbeing.

Who can attend this course?  People who are working in Lambeth In a paid or unpaid capacity with adults in the voluntary and community sector, NHS and other statutory bodies.  Priority will be given to those who are working in the Project Smith wards, these are:

* North LCN – Ferndale, Larkhall and StockwellSouth
* East LCN – Vassall and Coldharbour
* South West LCN –  St Leonards, Streatham Hill and Streatham Wells

Please note: 
Priority will be given to people working in a face-to-face capacity in the wards above.   A maximum of two people per organisation will be able to attend the course.

To book contact [email protected] ​

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