5 Events at Loughborough Farm 5 Free training session – sowing and planting out of seedlings

Free training session – sowing and planting out of seedlings

This Saturday Fabrice will be at Loughborough Farm running a training session on sowing and planting out of seedlings.

Thank you to all our volunteers for making our August events such a success. A special mention to Karen, Jason, Charlotte, Zeenat, Lizzie, Simon, Sophie, Maria, Marjorie, Nicola and the Harbour and Mosaic Clubhouse for all their efforts.

This month’s market stall was a huge success.  Many people came and bought produce and Brixton Buzz covered our efforts!

On Tuesday 11 August volunteers and visitors bought their picnic to the farm and were encouraged to add fresh farm produce to their fare. Pictured below: Lizzie and Alfie enjoyed Charlotte’s workshop… grinding ingredients to make flavoured salts and sugars for sale at the Platform venture in September. Watch this space!


Meanwhile, at the Open Afternoon on Thursday 13 August, Emily ran farm tours while Jason’s painting and leaf printing workshop was a great success (Bea, pictured had great fun).


On Sunday 23 August volunteers ran a wonderful farm fun and fundraiser day. There were arts and crafts activities, delicious cakes to enjoy, fresh vegetables and a raffle. Lizzie did a great job running the raffle and thanks to the Co-op for donating prizes. Here’s a photo of Nicola from Billiin with some of the magnets she helped volunteers make.


Here’s Michelle with the magnet she made!






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