5 Events at Loughborough Farm 5 Happy New Year from Loughborough Farmers

Happy New Year from Loughborough Farmers


We are pleased to announce that we will be starting a new regular session opening on Sundays. The first Sunday session will be Sunday 17 January from 11am – 2pm. Our other sessions will still continue on Saturdays and Tuesdays from 1-3pm. We are looking for more volunteers willing to assist in the running of these sessions. Would you be willing to help take responsbility for a task during the session – e.g. composting, harvesting etc? Please email Emily [email protected] or speak to us when you’re next at the Farm. If you’re free this Sunday 10 Jan, please join the Loughborough Junction Community Gardening Day – starting from 11am, meeting at the Farm.

It is time for us to start ordering seeds for the coming year. We want to try and ensure that we are growing enough of the crops that our volunteers want to eat and enough to sell. Its really important that you let us know soon if there are any particular vegetables or fruit you want us to grow. There are seed catalogues in the shipping container if you want to choose specific types of tomatoes etc.

DIY! We have 2 important DIY jobs to complete over the coming weeks:

We need to complete the fence and planters for the Farm front and put them up. We will be focussing on these tasks on Saturday 9 January and Saturday 30 January.

Also, it’s really important we get the plant room floor cleaned and varnished before we start sowing new seeds. Please let us know if you can help when you come to the Farm session.

Volunteer Feedback sessions

We will be starting a volunteer feedback session once every couple of months. This will happen during the tea break when we will invite you to let us know what you like about the Farm and what you’d like to change. Emily will also be asking those of you who have never done a Volunteer Follow Up questionnaire to fill one in. The next feedback sessions will happen on Saturday 16 January and Tuesday 19 January.

New Year’s Resolutions!

It would be great if all of you who come to our growing sessions could help in the following ways:

– Bring your own mug for tea and take it home to wash. Or if you’ve not brought your own, take one home to wash and return. Anthea and Karen have done a wonderful job of washing up cups, but its going to become more difficult with 3 sessions.

– Clean up and tidy up before you leave the Farm. We want to keep the Farm looking nice for everyone. Please remember to clean and return tools after you’ve finished. If you see some litter, please pick it up and put it in the bin. There are lots of plant pots near the front gate that need cleaning before we sow seeds this year. Could you take some home to wash and return to the Farm?

Upcoming Events

Saturday 9 January 10am to 2pm. Community gardening day in Milkwood Community Park organised by Milkwood Residents’ Association. Maude and Hazel from the association would be grateful for a helping hand.

Sunday 10 January from 11 am to 3pm. Loughborough Junction community gardening day; meet at the Loughborough Farm with free lunch at 1pm in the Plant Room at the Farm. If you are late ring 07799 621 582 to find out where the gardeners have got to.

Saturday 23 Jan Loughborough Junction Community Orchard Wassail! Details to follow soon!

MEMORIES KITCHEN: Spread Happiness by Sharing Memories and Dining with Your Neighbours

Memories Kitchen is looking for local people to share their food memories, which will then be used as inspiration for two FREE community feasts. Find out more information here.

Starting on Saturday 9 January 2016 10.00am -12.00am. Saturday morning Art Club @ The Loughborough Centre will be starting again this Saturday continuing on from the Creativity in Wellbeing theme.

All ages are welcome

Art Club @ The Loughborough Centre

105 Angell Road, London SW9 7PD

Activities will include, glass painting, watercolour painting, and individual card design.

Equipment and resource material will be provided . A Nutritionist will also be making a contribution to some of the workshops using visual displays on the benefits eating more healthily.

There will be some refreshments provided.

Contact detail [email protected]


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