Higgs Industrial Estate goes to
Lambeth planning committee
on Tuesday 17 December;
the meeting starts at 7pm
Committee Room B6, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill SW2 1RW.
This is the largest single development which Loughborough Junction has seen since the Loughborough Estate was built in the 1950s.
This is a very poor quality, overwhelming dense development with no green open public space so please come and join LJAG in opposing this scheme. We will be there and two of us will ask to speak but we will only have two minutes each.
You can also make representations to the committee in writing including letters, petitions or photos and these should be sent to the case officer Michael Cassidy [email protected] by 12 noon this Friday 13 December.
Below find the letter that Lambeth has sent to objectors and click here for LJAG and Herne Hill Society comments if you need ammunition.
Best wishes
Anthea Masey
07799 621 582
This letter notifies you that a proposed development you have commented on is due to be considered by the council’s Planning Applications Committee.
Site: | Higgs Industrial Estate Herne Hill Road London SE24 0AU |
Proposed Development: | Clearance of site and mixed use redevelopment to provide a building ranging in height from 2 to 16 storeys with 134 residential units and 4,150sqm of flexible commercial floorspace (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, B1, D1 and/or D2) along with disabled parking, servicing, cycle parking, public realm and amenity space (re-consultation due to amended description of development and amendments to proposal to include changes to brick colour and recessed balconies on Block C; revisions to Herne Hill Road elevation; increase in flexible commercial floorspace from 4,032sqm to 4,150sqm; and revised disabled parking, servicing, cycle parking and public realm layout) |
Applicant: | Peabody |
I refer to my recent letter acknowledging your comments on this proposal and I can now inform you that the application is due to be considered by the Council’s Planning Applications Committee on 17 December 2019 The meeting starts at 7.00pm, please check the council website and PAC agenda for confirmation of the venue.
The recommendation for this application is to Minded to Grant Permission. A summary of your comments and any others received will be reported to the Committee, which you are also welcome to attend.
Please find enclosed a document explaining what happens at the Planning Applications Committee and how you can take part.
Regards, Lambeth Planning |
1 Who sits on the PAC?
The Council has established a PAC, which consists of seven Councillors (elected members).
2 Where and when do PAC meetings take place?
Meetings are usually held in Committee Room B6, Lambeth Town Hall, Brixton Hill SW2 1RW. The meetings are normally held on a Tuesday evening at 7pm and are held 1 or 2 times a month and are listed on the Council’s calendar of meetings at: http://www.lambeth.gov.uk/moderngov/mgCalendarMonthView.asp?GL=1&bcr=1
3 Can I attend PAC meetings?
Yes. All PAC meetings are open to the press and public although on rare occasions the Committee may discuss a matter in private.
4 How can I get a copy of any reports to be considered by PAC?
The officer reports on applications to be considered are circulated to PAC Members and published on the Council’s website a week before the meeting. Papers for meetings can be viewed at:http://www.lambeth.gov.uk/moderngov/ieListMeetings.aspx?CommitteeId=600 Hard copies are also available from Democratic Services at the meeting.
5 Can I make written representations to the PAC meeting?
Yes. Written representations, including any letters, petitions or photos should be:
- Sent to the relevant case officer listed on the front page of the officer report preferably by email.
- Sent by 12 noon two clear working days before the meeting.
The meetings are normally on a Tuesday, so the deadline would be 12 noon by the Thursday before the meeting.
6 Can I speak at PAC meetings?
Yes. Up to three supporters (including applicants), three objectors and the Ward Members can address the meeting at the Committee’s discretion for a maximum of two minutes each.
You must register your wish to speak on any application by telephoning Democratic Services on 020 7926 2170 or emailing [email protected] by 12 noon on the last working day before the meeting. Ideally, you will supply in writing an outline of the points you wish to raise at the meeting. If you telephone, Democratic Services will record these points.
Where the number of requests to speak exceeds three, and/or it is clear the speakers wish to make similar points, speakers will be asked to liaise so that all the points can be raised succinctly
7 Does the PAC consider applications in the order listed on the agenda?
Not necessarily. The order of business is determined at the meeting taking into consideration:
- Applications which are withdrawn or which officers recommend should be deferred.
- Applications where there are no notified speakers present wishing to address the committee and members have no questions to ask the applicant or officers.
- Applications which have been deferred from a previous meeting or have been the subject of a site visit.
- Applications for developments which would be in receipt of public funding and which are subject to deadlines affecting delivery and other applications subject to specific deadlines.
- Applications regarded as a priority due to the large number of people present, or where applicants, objectors or other members of the public have special requirements.
8 What is the process for considering an application at the meeting?
Officers will introduce each application with a brief PowerPoint presentation which will usually include drawings and photographs of the application site. The Committee will then hear from and question all interested parties. If the application is recommended for approval then objectors speak first with applicants having the right of reply. This is reversed if the application is recommended for refusal. The merits of the application are considered taking into account the views of the interested parties and planning officers before the committee reaches a decision.
9 What time does the meeting come to an end?
The meeting will be conducted in a business like fashion and the Committee will endeavour to deal with reports as quickly as possible.
However if there is a lot of outstanding business at 9.00pm the Chair will advise the meeting if and how the timetable for the meeting has to be revised, in order to deal with remaining business and finish the meeting at 10.00pm. At 10.00pm, if the meeting has not ended, the meeting will decide which business can be completed by 10.45pm and any business not reached by that time will be deferred to the next meeting.
10 What are site visits?
The decision whether to have a site visit is made by the Chair of the Planning Applications Committee. Site visits are arranged by Planning Officers to allow the Committee and Ward Members to observe the site and gain a better understanding of the impact of the proposal. Where permission is needed to go on to private land, contact will be made with the owner by officers. Other than for reasons of access, the arrangements for site visits will not normally be publicised or made known to applicants, agents or third parties except in exceptional circumstances. In such circumstances, officers have discretion to invite one representative of the applicant to be present but only to answer any questions if Members require further context which the officer cannot provide. The applicant must notify the planning officer prior to the site visit who will be attending on their behalf.
Objectors are not to be invited, except in exceptional circumstances where the chair of the Committee agrees that there is information which cannot be provided by officers, and which it is necessary to receive on site and which is only likely to be able to be provided by an objector.
In circumstances where the public may need to be involved – e.g. to gain access to a property to view a site from a particular vantage point, officers will arrange this. Members of the public shall be present only to grant access to premises and to answer factual questions.
A site visit is not a part of the formal determination of the planning application and therefore the public attendance and speaking rights of the formal Planning Applications Committee do not apply.
11 When do site visits take place?
A site visit will normally take place on the Saturday morning immediately before the committee which will consider the matter. An alternative date of the preceding Friday morning could be arranged.
12 If I am unable to attend the PAC meeting, how can I find out the decision?
Decisions will be posted on Twitter from @lbldemocracy immediately as the decision is taken. You can also contact Democratic Services by telephone or email. The minutes from the meeting will also be available on the Council’s website five clear working days after the meeting. Planning officers will send the applicant and any interested parties who have made written representations formal notification of the Committee decision.
13 Where can I get further information or advice?
If you would like further information or advice, please contact:
(a) Town Planning Advice Desk: Tel: 020 7926 1180, Email: [email protected]
(b) Town Planning Webpage: http://www.lambeth.gov.uk/Services/HousingPlanning/Planning/
(c) Democratic Services: Tel: 020 7926 2170, Email: [email protected]