5 Latest news 5 Jerusalema Dance Challenge at Myatt’s Fields Park May Bank Holiday 2021

Jerusalema Dance Challenge at Myatt’s Fields Park May Bank Holiday 2021

Please join us in our Jerusalema dance challenge, with practices all throughout the week in Myatt’s Fields Park and one session online on Thursday 6pm.

On Saturday and Sunday we are practicing at 1pm (meet by the bandstand)

On Monday we will do the dance at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm and will film these to create our own Myatts Fields Jerusalema video.

Thanks to our dance instructors Nadz, Tony and Izach, and to John Morales stepping in to create the film.

It ONLY takes 30 mins to learn the dance. EVERYONE welcome, all abilities. The point is to have fun, move our bodies and get to know each other more.

Please contact Ceri on 07963 446605 with any questions

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