5 Latest news 5 LJAG is appointing a part-time community engagement worker/events organiser

LJAG is appointing a part-time community engagement worker/events organiser


Thriving Fiveways connects health professionals to the voluntary sector in the former Vassall and Coldharbour wards.  Thriving Fiveways is part of the emerging “Thrivings” movement which is being developed and supported by the Neighbourhood Wellbeing Delivery Alliance, part of Lambeth Together, the Lambeth council and NHS initiative, and Public Health Lambeth.

Thriving Fiveways grew out of Vassall & Coldharbour Covid-19 Response Consortium, a partnership of seven community groups – Loughborough Junction Action Group (LJAG), Myatt’s Fields Park Project, Ecosystem Coldharbour, Chips, Repowering London, IMRO, and Big Local – which came together during the pandemic. The health and wellbeing workstream was co-coordinated by LJAG and its work continued and has now become Thriving Fiveways.  The area covered by Thriving Fiveways fits neatly with the 5 surgeries which form the Fiveways Primary Care Network– Herne Hill Road Medical Practice, The Corner Surgery, Minet Green Health Practice, Vassall Medical Centre, and Akerman Medical Practice.

Living rooms

Living Rooms use community spaces to provide ‘homely’ places for social and creative activities. The project will help residents run activities that the community wants and needs. Examples might include a cookery demonstration; a knitting or crochet group; a book discussion group; a drawing class; a parent/carer and toddler group; a father’s group. The idea is to animate our community spaces with activities which promote wellbeing, help people learn new skills, improve confidence, and promote a sense of community. The first task of the Community Engagement Worker/Events Organiser will be to work in partnership with the community to find out what people’s priorities are; investigate community spaces; and promote the project and its aims and objectives.

Job Description

The Community Engagement Worker/Events Organiser will:

  • Co-ordinate the Fiveways Community Living Room project.
  • Work in partnership with local community organisations and, if needed, establish a Community Living Room working group.
  • Establish a network of community spaces for the project.
  • Promote the project and its aims and objectives in the community.
  • Work with the community to design a programme of events and activities.
  • Support and advise residents who may be running events for the first time on all aspects of event management.
  • Publicise and promote events and activities.
  • Risk assess all events and activities.
  • Work to budget in conjunction with Thriving Fiveways.
  • Develop monitoring, evaluation and impact framework in conjunction with Thriving Fiveways.

Pay and conditions

The Community Engagement Worker/Events Organiser will work flexibly for the equivalent of 2 days (14 hours) a week for £30,000 a year, pro rata, and will have a designated line manager.  The contract is for 1 year with Loughborough Junction Action Group and could be extended if funding allows. The contract offers full employment rights including holiday pay and automatic pension enrolment.

Person specification

The Community Engagement Worker/Events Worker will have:

  • Knowledge of the challenges facing families and individuals in the Fiveways area.
  • Experience of community organising in this or similar areas.
  • Experience of working in partnership with stakeholders and community partners.
  • Knowledge of the fundamentals of event management.
  • Good communication skills.
  • The ability to engage and motivate a wide range of people with differing levels of experience and skills.
  • Excellent publicity and social media experience.
  • The ability to work to budget effectively.
  • Knowledge of monitoring, evaluation and impact reporting.
  • A commitment to racial justice and equality.

Please send a CV and a short covering letter explaining why you are the right person for the job to [email protected]; the closing date is Monday 27 November 2023 at 12pm. You will be informed if you have been shortlisted by Friday 1 December and interviews will take place during the week beginning 4 December 2023.

LJAG welcomes applications from those with lived experience of the challenges facing residents living in Fiveways.




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