Ever dreamed of being your own boss? Need a local space to develop your business? Looking for local job opportunities?
Tree Shepherd is running a series of business clinics, training courses and an enterprise and jobs event for local Loughborough Junction residents ahead of the development of LJ Works. If you are finding it difficult to get a job, have ever thought about starting your own business or are looking for advice on moving to new premises, please get in touch, or come to one of the events.
On the Start Your Own Enterprise course participants will first be helped to develop their ideas, before designing a business plan, learning about cash flow, and being taught how to make their first sale.
Tutor and CEO of Tree Shepherd Colin Crooks says, ‘Please come along and join in. Everyone is in the same boat, so don’t worry if your business is just an idea at the moment. You’ll learn everything you need to put a basic business plan in place including sales and marketing, finance, presentation skills, people management, networking and all the nuts and bolts of registering a business. On graduating, you’ll belong to a vibrant Enterprise Network and benefit from free events, business clinics, regular coaching sessions, new trade and collaborative working opportunities.’
Start Your Own Enterprise Course
When: 24 January – 21 March 2017, every Tuesday 10am– 4 pm (including an Easter break).
Where: Loughborough Centre, 105 Angell Road, Brixton, SW9 7PD.
Book now by calling 020 3697 1538 or emailing [email protected]
New participants are accepted in the first and second week, so please get in touch if you are interested.
Enterprise and Jobs Event
You can also find out about local job opportunities, tips on developing your business and getting into a new premises by coming along to the Enterprise and Jobs event:
When: Thursday 23 February 10 – 1pm and 2- 4 pm
Where: Green Man Skills Zone, 225 Coldharbour Lane, Brixton, SW9 8RR
Drop by or register with [email protected] , or call 020 3697 1540
Find out more about Tree Shepherd at www.treeshepherd.org.uk