Welcome to the Loughborough Farm weekly email.
Thanks to the community who supported last week’s market stall run by Charlotte and to those who supported Loughborough Junction’s Flaxman Road Street Champions.
The Farm will be open as usual on Saturday 14 November from 1pm to 3pm and again on Tuesday 17 November and there is always plenty to do.
We need to clear the space around of our shipping container ready for our green roof session on Sunday 22 November, please if you have an hour or two to spare between now and then please come down and do some lugging around. It would be very appreciated.
On Tuesday there will be a Volunteer Welcome Session starting at 1.15pm. This is for new volunteers and those who’ve not attended one previously. Its an opportunity to find out how the Farm is organised including a tour, hear important volunteer information and find out how you can be involved. It also gives us a chance to get to know a bit about you! Please email [email protected] if you can attend.
Our Loughborough Farmers have been putting together a schedule of events to entertain us through the Autumn. If you would like to get involved please email [email protected]. On Saturday 21 November there is fun for all the family down on the farm with the ‘Bug Hunt & Greeting Card Art’ event from 11am until 1pm. Meet at the gate at 11am, and go for a ramble with Simon. We will wind our way back from the orchard to the farm and on the way you will hunt for hidden bugs and birds; photograph your wild discoveries and get grizzly stories about what wild things get up to day and night. We will have a quick refreshments break followed by Jason’s paint or draw your favourite bug or bird greeting card, which you get to take home with you. You are welcome to stay and help for the volunteer farm session afterwards from 1-3pm.