5 Events at Loughborough Farm 5 Loughborough Farm – Hidden workspaces

Loughborough Farm – Hidden workspaces

Party number three in just one week at the Loughborough Junction.

LJAG and the Loughborough Farm with Fluid, who are part of the LJ Masterplan team, are hosting an evening stroll around Loughborough Junction’s hidden workspaces to meet some of the people who work there on Thursday 11 June starting at 5pm outside The Platform on Loughborough Road (in Wyck Gardens) and then followed by a discussion in the Plant Room at the Loughborough Farm where there will be free pizza and beer.

If you can’t join at 5pm you can catch up with the tour as it snakes through the neighbourhood. Here is the link to the map.

Ready to plant out your balcony pots or your hanging baskets or the pots on your patio; come and buy the plants we have grown at the farm at a very reasonable price. Click here for an illustrated list of what we have to sell. We also have tomato plants, beans and courgettes as well as the flowers listed here.

Spare a few minutes to fill in this survey about access to nature and open space. Our friends at the Coldharbour and Vassall Forum are preparing a big Lottery bid to improve local people’s access to nature and open space and they need your help to build an evidence base by filling in this survey. Click here for the survey; it takes just a few minutes to fill in.

And don’t forget. The farm is of course open as usual on Saturday 13 June from 1pm. We have lots of seed sowing, potting, weeding and harvesting to do.

Thanks to volunteers Zeenat, Charlotte, Steve and Simon who joined Karen to host the Lambeth Peer Support Network meeting on the farm on Tuesday, June 9. The network supports people on their recovery journeys and we looked at ways of building community resilience. Guests explored Loughborough Junction with artist Walter Reed at Cambria Bridge, Jake Cingel (Action Now) Southwell community garden site and Tony and others on the farm. A Farm inspired lunch of bread, salad, samosas, tart, fritta and cheesecake made it a lovely social event, which left people “feeling inspired, and energised”.

Please check out May Project Gardens crowdfunder campaign for a ‘Food, Hip Hop and the Green Economy’ course for young people. Pledge your support or share with your friends.

May Project Gardens will also be running an event at the Farm and the Platform on 26 June – details coming soon.

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