Farm Market @ The Platform, SW9 7EL
Advent Saturday 1 December 11am – 3pm
2 Ridgway Rd, SW9 7AH
The Loughborough Farm will be holding their monthly Farm Market over the road at the Platform selling the farm’s winter harvest of roots, salads and veg, Christmas greenery as well as local produce and handmade gifts. The Farm Calendar will be ready and there will jams (strawberry and cardamon) chutneys (quince and apple) and farm herbal teas for sale, as well as indoor plants and ceramic plant pots by local potters, Marion Rose Palmer and Dan Kelly. Local artists Jason Gibilaro and Marie Lenclos will be showing their work and we’ve got some beautiful hand knitted berets in high quality yarns made locally – perfect Christmas presents!
Any one who would like to get involved or have a table to sell local handmade product Please email [email protected]