Loughborough Junction Neighbourhood Forum, Wednesday 17th July at 7pm, The Platform Cafe / Zoom

You are invited to the LJ Neighbourhood Forum on Wednesday 17th July 2024 at 7pm at The Platform Cafe, 2 Ridgway Road, SW9 7AH (find on Loughborough Road at the junction of Ridgway Road in Wyck Gardens) and by Zoom.

There are 2 planning applications which you might be interested in commenting on. Click here for Lambeth’s planning website and enter the planning reference number.

1. A new application for the co-living space in Hinton Road/Hardess Street/Wellfit Street, correcting errors about outdoor space in the original planning application. The planning reference is 24/00073/FUL
2. A reapplication for a development of flats in Station Avenue in a former warehouse which has no replacement industrial space .The planning reference is 23/03924/FUL.

Also read the interesting history of Cormont Road school overlooking Myatt’s Fields Park, which is owned by Lambeth council, and sign the petition, to save the school which is now on the Victorian Society’s list of the 10 most endangered buildings.