5 Latest news 5 Major development on Wanless Road: come and have your say Wed 2 July, 6.30pm

Major development on Wanless Road: come and have your say Wed 2 July, 6.30pm

Public meeting to consult on Wanless Road development at Sunshine International Arts Café, Studio 5, 209A Coldharbour Lane, SW9 8RU from 6.30-8.30pm on Wednesday 2 July 2014.

Residents of Wanless Road, Herne Hill Road, Kemerton Road, Cambria Road and other local residents may (or may not) have had a letter on Lambeth Council headed notepaper through your doors, about a proposal to redevelop the Lambeth-owned site off Wanless Road (pictured below) that is currently one of Lambeth’s public health facilities.

Wanless Road


We don’t have details yet of what is proposed, but it’s likely to be a mixture of mostly private sale and some affordable housing.  We have no information yet on how much, what type (flats or houses) and how high the blocks (if there are blocks) are going to be.

Whatever happens, the implication is that this area will become a major building site for (at a guess) at least two years, with major disruptions  (noise, traffic and parking issues, dust and construction waste pollution, major safety and security risks) and potentially a very negative impact on the homes that surround the site. In the long term there may be implications for privacy and security.

There is a public meeting to consult on this at Sunshine International Arts Café, Studio 5, 209A Coldharbour Lane, SW9 8RU from 6.30pm to 8.30pm on Wednesday 2nd July 2014.

The café is across the road from Loughborough Junction station down a pathway just on the Brixton side of the railway bridge.

Apart from two cross-Lambeth open days covering wider plans, this seems to be the only opportunity so far to have your voice be heard.  So please come!

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