5 Latest news 5 Making Lambeth Voices Count at 336 Brixton Road, 20 November 2019

Making Lambeth Voices Count at 336 Brixton Road, 20 November 2019


You are invited to our AGM, taking place downstairs at 336 Brixton Road on the 20th November 3-7pm.

At our annual meeting this year, we are inviting people to join us to talk about public involvement in Lambeth Together. We are inviting local residents, community groups, voluntary sector and people who work in health and social care in Lambeth.

Attached is the flyer, and here the Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/making-lambeth-voices-count-tickets-75848076639

Here is also a TWEET for any of you using Twitter, if you could kindly help promote it.

And a Facebook post too – I would really appreciate it if you would share it please! 😊


Please join us and invite anyone in your networks – especially people who might be interested in one of the four workshop topics (more details in Eventbrite) :

  • End of life care
  • Prevention programmes in Lambeth
  • Mental health crisis support
  • The Children and Young People’s Partnership and how to engage more young people

The aim is to discuss who, how and when public engagement should be done over the next months and years, in order to ensure people are involved in the decisions and delivery of these workstreams.


If you need any more information or have a question, please let me know or feel free to stop by at our office on the first floor.


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