5 Latest news 5 Meet the Candidates – hear what local politicians will do for our neighbourhood 2nd May 2018

Meet the Candidates – hear what local politicians will do for our neighbourhood 2nd May 2018





Yes, that Special Date is almost here. No, not the Royal Wedding. It’s May 3rd when right across London we go to the polls to elect our local councillors.

Our local councils can have a huge impact on our daily lives.

They provide or manage our housing estates, rubbish collection, parking, libraries, parks and green spaces, leisure facilities, children’s and youth services, community centres, education, planning, licensing, environment, social services, meals on wheels,health care, transport and even where we’re buried when it’s all over.

You may be concerned about unemployment, Universal Credit and housing vulnerability, crime and a generation being lost to postcode wars.

We want to know what the candidates plan to do with our vote. That’s why Vassall and Coldharbour Forum isorganising a special one-off local election Question Time where all the candidates standing in Vassall and Coldharbour wards will be there to answer your questions.

Whatever the issue is, come along to the local election meeting (called Meet the Candidates) – doors open at 6pm, meeting starts at 6.30pm, 2nd May, Myatt’s Fields North community centre, Crawshay Road.


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