Bring your own ingredients, meet a stranger and cook together without a recipe!
You are invited to explore cooking together without a recipe as an opportunity to come together with our differences and co-create new possibilities! People are invited to meet at C.A.F.E ‘Carnival-Arts-For-Everyone’ to explore the surrounding area and look for ingredients to share with other people. C.A.F.E is only 15 minutes away from Brixton market, a fantastic source of inspiration for bringing interesting elements to the table.
The whole process will last approximately 3 ½ hours and it includes walking/shopping, dialogue processes, cooking and eating together. To get the full experience people will need to commit to the entire process.
The event is suitable for vegans. Here’s a list of ingredients you could bring: Herbs, Spices, Oils, Condiments, Grains (e.g. Rice), Fruits and Vegetables.
TO SIGN UP CONTACT: Luisa Spina: [email protected]
Thisbe Casellini
Centre and Administration Manager
C.A.F.E. Studio 5, 209A Coldharbour Lane, London, SW9 8RU