5 Events at Loughborough Farm 5 Soundcamp returns to Stave Hill Ecological Park over the first weekend in May.

Soundcamp returns to Stave Hill Ecological Park over the first weekend in May.



Loughborough Junction local, Grant Smith is organising another Soundcamp and invites you to join them for a free programme of activities exploring the ecology and acoustics of the site with leading ornithologist and recordist, Geoff Sample, and artists including Sarah Angliss, Rob St John and Dan Stowell.

Loughborough Farm Friend, Ceri Buckmaster is holding a foraging workshop

30 April – Sunday 1 May  2016
Stave Hill Ecological Park, Timber Pond Rd, Rotherhithe SE16 6AX

Reveil broadcast: 05.00 on 30 Apr – 06.00 on 1 May 2016.

Listen at https://wavefarm.org/listen and participating stations.
Contact:  07549 926 574

There will be delicious food by Leon Lewis throughout the weekend, and  breakfast and coffee on Sunday morning.

Booking is essential to camp and advisable for workshops and walks. Please email [email protected].

For more information visit  http://soundtent.org/, where you can also find out about other soundcamps in the UK and elsewhere.

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