5 Latest news 5 South London Listens Mental Health Community Survey

South London Listens Mental Health Community Survey

Last year the first South London Listens survey was carried out and was completed by hundreds
of people. Findings revealed, not surprisingly that the Covid-19 pandemic had had a profound effect
on people’s mental health and wellbeing, with respondents reporting
high levels of depression and anxiety. This year South London Listens wants to reach even more people to try and
understand how their mental health and wellbeing has changed over the last 12 months.

The survey can be found here:
https://citizensuk.typeform.com/to/CCBJbay5 [1]

Please take some time (around 5-10 minutes) to complete the survey and share amongst your networks.

The survey can be found here:
https://citizensuk.typeform.com/to/CCBJbay5 [1]

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