5 Latest news 5 Spring/Summer Programme of workshops at the Remakery

Spring/Summer Programme of workshops at the Remakery

Bunting Making Workshop

Thursday 23rd May – £5
We have fabric and we have sewing machines and the summer is coming so everyone needs bunting!



Sign Making Workshop

Saturday 1st June – £5
Come and make outdoor signs from recycled materials found at The Remakery. They could be for your community garden or your summer event.




Woodwork Hand Tools

Thursday 4th June – £42
This introduction to hand tools course is running for three weeks. It will take place at the same time each week, 4th, 11th and 18th June.




Machine Room Introduction

Saturday 8th June – £16
This will introduce each of the larger machines that we have functioning, including the table saw, chop saw, pillar drill, thicknesser and lathe.


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