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The Farm Needs You!


Loughborough Farm crowdfunder

The Loughborough Farm, LJAG’s successful community food growing project, is at a crossroads – you could say facing an existential crisis. It has helped Lambeth council bring in £1.64 million from the Mayor of London to build affordable workspace for local people. It’s a great plan, but unfortunately not one penny is coming to the Farm. The funds are for building works, sadly not to pay people to run our much loved garden.

Which is why we are appealing for your help. The Farm has a fabulous band of brothers and sisters who have volunteered over 2,500 hours of time to the project over the last year alone (if you value that at £15 an hour that is a massive £37,500 investment in LJ). We are open currently on Saturday and Tuesday afternoons but the challenge in the future will be to open whenever the project is open, ie. during working hours.

We would like your support to enable Loughborough Farm to rise to this exciting challenge. We need as soon as possible to employ a project co-ordinator for three days a week. Don’t worry, we are writing lots of funding applications, working day and night on these – but we thought it right to invite all our neighbours and friends to contribute to this project that will transform Loughborough Junction and be a great adventure for us all.

If you feel able to make a contribution please log on to www.loughboroughjunction.org and put your finger on the donate button. And don’t forget to let us know if your donation qualifies for Gift Aid. It really couldn’t be easier. And please share on all your social media networks. We know you can do it. And thank you from all of us at the Farm.

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