5 Latest news 5 Urban Growth is Recruiting – Business Manager

Urban Growth is Recruiting – Business Manager

Urban Growth is a social enterprise which aims to improve the wellbeing of Londoners by creating and maintaining communal gardens. They collaborate with councils, businesses, developers & community groups across London (primarily south of the river), creating and maintaining communal gardens where people can learn about and engage with nature on their doorstep. You can read more about their aims and activities, here website, and through the linked social media channels.

Urban Growth is looking for a new person to join the team and move into a leadership position in 2019.
Please click here to see the job description and application process.

Application process:

Please submit a CV with covering letter to [email protected], explaining your suitability for the role, before noon on Thursday, August 16th. We welcome questions about the role in advance of this, directed to the same email.

Shortlisted candidates will be notified by email before 1700 on Friday, August 31st. Interviews will take place in the following week. Please notify us in your application of your likely availability between September 3-7th.

You can also download the Recruitment pack.

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