5 Latest news 5 Visit to Glengall Wharf Garden Sunday 1 May

Visit to Glengall Wharf Garden Sunday 1 May

Local artist and farm volunteer, Jason Gibilaro has organised a visit to the Burgess Park Food Project – a group of local people keen to get growing sustainably in this part of north Peckham. They have a range of skills and experience, and hope to develop the site as a resource for local people to share skills related to food and growing. Please come along if you’d like to see what they are doing and share ideas…


imageThe Burgess Park Food Project, run a variety of projects including developing more foraging opportunities in Glengall Wharf Garden and the wider park and has a new community garden space at the top of the Surrey Canal Walk. They have different people opening up each week with their lead gardeners / key holders letting people know what needs doing. Every volunteer gets a share of the days harvest to take home in return for their labour.


They are a Permaculture Association Land Centre -a place to see permaculture in action.



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