5 Latest news 5 Lambeth Climate Emergency – Inventing the Solutions Monday 25 November

Lambeth Climate Emergency – Inventing the Solutions Monday 25 November

Lambeth has declared a climate emergency… Bring your imagination, visions, knowledge, and positivity to help provide the solutions.

About this Event

Lambeth has agreed to hold a Citizens’ Assembly, likely in March or April, to create the plan for how Lambeth will achieve net-zero by 2030. But it will need a catalogue of locally appropriate (and preferably locally proposed) solutions for it to choose and prioritise from.

Their first priority is to get a plan to reduce emissions from their own estate and operations. You can see their rather inadequate first plan here (11 pages). This is mainly about their buildings, energy use, housing (common areas and refurbishment), operations including transport… But they are also committed to helping the wider borough’s urgent transition so if none of the above lights your fire please bring your passion and help convene thinking around it.

After a short introduction we will break into themed groups to imagine the solution and then identify proposals to work up to bring to the Climate Emergency Citizens’ Assembly. Out of this meeting we aim to set up themed working groups to fit with attenders’ interests to feed into Climate Emergency planning but also to do projects as they see fit. There will be some support for the groups from Transition Town Brixton. We are working closely with Extinction Rebellion on this.

Be part of the solution. Help us dream as big as the problem and then pin it down to achievable actions and projects which the council can co-deliver with we the people!

This is how we set up the working groups that led to amazing projects like the Brixton Pound, Incredible Edible Lambeth, the Lambeth Food Partnership, the Remakery, Brixton Energy and Repowering London. See a short video of what Transition Town Brixton’s been up to over the last 10 years.

To book go to their eventbrite page Lambeth Climate Emergency 




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