by anthea-admin | Oct 11, 2016 | Latest news, Our events, Uncategorized
Tennis2Be Monday lunchtime tennis sessions (12-1) @Wyck Gardens are proving popular with new joiners, mechanics, beginners,improvers and we even had a four legged visitor recently! these sessions are FREE (donations to the charity are welcome).
by anthea-admin | Oct 11, 2016 | Latest news, Loughborough Farm event, Our events, Uncategorized
From: Loughborough Junction Action Group 25 Loughborough Park London SW9 8TP [email protected] Councillor Lib Peck Leader London Borough of Lambeth Olive Morris House 18 Brixton Hill London SW2 1RD 10 October2016 Dear Councillor Lib...
by anthea-admin | Oct 7, 2016 | Latest news, Our events, Uncategorized
It’s important to look at this as decisions are being made that affect youth centres and adventure playgrounds
by anthea-admin | Oct 7, 2016 | Latest news, Our events, Uncategorized
Bring your own ingredients, meet a stranger and cook together without a recipe! You are invited to explore cooking together without a recipe as an opportunity to come together with our differences and co-create new possibilities! People are invited to meet at C.A.F.E...