by anthea-admin | Oct 11, 2016 | Latest news, Loughborough Farm event, Our events, Uncategorized
From: Loughborough Junction Action Group 25 Loughborough Park London SW9 8TP [email protected] Councillor Lib Peck Leader London Borough of Lambeth Olive Morris House 18 Brixton Hill London SW2 1RD 10 October2016 Dear Councillor Lib...
by anthea-admin | Sep 23, 2016 | Latest news, Loughborough Farm event, Our events, Uncategorized
Reminder to Enter Your Nominations ‘ Lets Celebrate our Local Women in Lambeth Communities’ NOMINATION DEADLINE FRIDAY 30TH SEPTEMBER We invite you to our 1st Anniversary of ‘It’s Your Local Market’ and Celebrating the...
by anthea-admin | Sep 12, 2016 | Latest news, Loughborough Farm event, Our events, Uncategorized
Loughborough Farm Community Cafe The Loughborough Farm is running a community cafe every Friday from 11am to 4pm at The Platform in Wyck Gardens on Loughborough Road. There will be tea, coffee and cake and every Friday local cooks will be cooking lunch with produce...
by anthea-admin | Sep 2, 2016 | Latest news, Loughborough Farm event, Our events, Uncategorized
Lambeth council has appointed 00/Public Works as the architects for the development of the Loughborough Farm site. Lambeth council has £1.64 million from the Mayor of London’s Regeneration Fund to build affordable workspace for local people and provide a permanent...
by anthea-admin | Jul 8, 2016 | Latest news, Loughborough Farm event, Our events, Uncategorized
Loughborough Farm is one of the farms taking part in Capital Growth’s Grow Well Feel Well city-wide open day showcasing the many ways gardening can benefit our health and well-being, and offering new opportunities and activities for volunteers to engage with...