Latest News

Goodbye Gladys

Goodbye Gladys

We are sad to report the death of Styles Gardens’ stalwart Gladys McKenna, aged 86, a Loughborough Estate resident for 53 years.

Another successful Wildmind Yard Festival at Loughborough Farm

Another successful Wildmind Yard Festival at Loughborough Farm

Our project Loughborough Farm hosted the Wildmind Yard Festival in June as part of the London Festival of Architecture – a day of free workshops on community gardening and sustainable living, as well as family-friendly hands-on activities and an embroidery table by Brixton-based Stitch School.

Campaign for a lift at Loughborough Junction Station

Campaign for a lift at Loughborough Junction Station

We were so chuffed that our MP Helen Hayes came and handed out leaflets and talked to travellers and passersby at Loughborough Junction station about our campaign to get a lift installed to help everyone, including parents with buggies, wheelchair users, cyclists, those with heavy bags or dodgy knees and the elderly navigate those cruel steep and gloomy steps. There is still time to sign the petition!

The Platform Cafe’s Cost of Living Programme Winter 2024

The Platform Cafe’s Cost of Living Programme Winter 2024

Find out more about how one of our projects, The Platform Cafe, was able to offer more support to local people this winter as part of their Cost of Living Programme, boosted by funding from The National Lottery and Lambeth Council.

Say No to the Hinton Road Development

Say No to the Hinton Road Development

Developer London Green is proposing to build 320 poky bedsits in a 14-storey block on Hinton Road, out of keeping with surrounding 2 and 3 storey houses. Say no to this rabbit hutch development. Join our fight to get this proposal turned down. We need affordable family homes not expensive bedsits. Make a comment or objection on Lambeth’s planning website.

Thriving Fiveways Call-Out for Community Event Ideas

Thriving Fiveways Call-Out for Community Event Ideas

Thriving Fiveways is a new health & wellbeing initiative coordinated by LJAG, Ecosystem Coldharbour and CHIPS. Our idea is to empower people to run events and activities with a health & wellbeing theme in the Loughborough Junction/Angell Town area. See the flyer for more details.