Latest News
- Digital inclusion project at Grove Adventure Playground
- Goodbye Gladys
- A fantastic summer at Grove Adventure Playground
- Tomato and Chilli Plant Giveaway returns!
- The Platform Cafe is recruiting for a Head Chef and Kitchen Manager
- Loughborough Junction Action Group celebrates commitment to real Living Wage
- Another successful Wildmind Yard Festival at Loughborough Farm
- Campaign for a lift at Loughborough Junction Station
- The Platform Cafe’s Cost of Living Programme Winter 2024
- Say No to the Hinton Road Development
Walter Reed
Walter Reed is a garden designer who has been volunteering with LJAG since it started in 2008. He first became involved when he was asked to make a documentary about We are Loughborough Junction (link) – a photographic project featuring people from Loughborough Junction. The idea for the 7 Bridges project started to come to him while he was doing this. “I wanted to do something to improve Loughborough Junction and the bridges are such an obvious feature of the area it made sense to focus on these,” Walter said. “Cambria Bridge seemed the easiest one to start with as there is no traffic going underneath it. I met Anthea (Masey, the current Chair), she liked the idea and so I joined up with LJAG on the project. This has made it easier for us to secure funding.”
The second bridge over Loughborough Road was completed as part of public realm improvements outside Wyck Gardens was completed in 2018. The orange bridge has become Loughborough Junction’s landmark feature. Walter worked with 10 local artists and the theme was the idea that all our microcondrial DNA can be traced back to one woman in Africa. The bridge bears the logo Loughborough Junction and the African proverb
Walter has also been involved in artwork commissioned by housing association Metropolitan at its SW9 development in Barrington Road which includes a number of architectural trees linked to a new orchard in Wyck Gardens.
“As an artist I believe that art can transform. LJAG has an ability to make changes and I like to make things happen. I love living in Loughborough Junction, it’s got a great creative community and is full of hidden gems. If I had to choose my favourite thing about Loughborough Junction, it would either have to be the Whirled Cinema on Hardess Street or Arch 269, near Shakespeare Road.
Walter’s dream is to see Loughborough Junction become a place that people are proud to come from.