Free Tool Sharpening at Loughborough Farm, Saturday 14th September 2024 10am-1pm

This is an invitation to bring tools that need mending or sharpening.

Be it a fork that needs rehandling or shears that need sharpening.

The workshop will be run by 2 female blacksmiths who are passionate about green community projects.

The idea is to mend and repair to save money and environmental resources of buying new. It is also to meet other community gardeners, learn new skills and empower anyone who wants to take part.

We will be demonstrating blade sharpening, rehandling spades/ folks/ hammers, straightening bent tools. We will also go through general maintenance and how to store and manage tools in a community garden setting.

Participants will get to practice these techniques on tools they bring along or ones from the farm).

Book your free spot via Eventbrite here.