Latest News
- Digital inclusion project at Grove Adventure Playground
- Goodbye Gladys
- A fantastic summer at Grove Adventure Playground
- Tomato and Chilli Plant Giveaway returns!
- The Platform Cafe is recruiting for a Head Chef and Kitchen Manager
- Loughborough Junction Action Group celebrates commitment to real Living Wage
- Another successful Wildmind Yard Festival at Loughborough Farm
- Campaign for a lift at Loughborough Junction Station
- The Platform Cafe’s Cost of Living Programme Winter 2024
- Say No to the Hinton Road Development
We are improving the way Loughborough Junction looks and giving local people and shopkeepers a sense of ownership. We have held greening days, and we are supported by Lambeth Community Freshview. The aim is to significantly increase the amount of greenery – ie plants and trees – in Loughborough Junction.
Most recently we have tidied up and planted shrubs in the area by the billboards on the junction of Loughborough Road and Coldharbour Lane and installed new planters by Cambria Bridge and outside some of the local shops. We have been particularly pleased to see the local shopkeepers watering the plants!